Friday, March 10, 2006

Let Down

Does anyone else go through a withdrawal after an active cycle? I find myself bored to death with no real shot of severe weather for my neck of the woods for some time. What to do. I know, I will pick something to complain about. Nah, too easy. I think I will just dream about my wish list of goodies. I want to get a Cannon 17-40L lens for my camera and the Sony DCR-DVD505K camcorder. I have to compromise with my wife on the camcorder. The ease of recording on a DVD and then being able to plop the disk right into the player really appeals to her. I am not sure of the editing format of the Sony but if it is at all manageable it is what I am going for. Plus, the 3 mega pixel isn't to shabby for that price range. If I shop hard enough I could probably find the 17-40 for around $650 and the Sony for around $850. Gee, $1500 and I will be set. LOL. That is why they call it a "wish list". I can hear my wife now, "Let's see honey, a new lens for your damn camera or food for the kids? I think you can live without your toys for a while." Great, can't wait for that conversation. I will prevail, though. Enough of my whining and the lens is mine!! Well, that is my plan anyway.

Take care.


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