Friday, March 03, 2006

Is It Still Friday?

Since nobody but myself is reading this thing I will say good afternoon to me.

Well, this weekends chase chances are pretty much bye bye. The system did not materialize and the nay-sayers win this battle. There is another decent looking system moving in next Tuesday - Thursday depending on your location in the country. It seems to be showing a decent wave, decent vorticity, and even maybe some real moisture. Time will tell if this system verifies but at least there is stuff to keep our eyes on. Hopefully it will rain soon here in Kansas so I don't have to keep seeing the "Drought Watch" crap that the local weather guys are using for ratings. Give me a freaking break, it hasn't rained in 18,586 days in Phoenix, AZ and we are complaining about being 3" below normal for this time of year. Oh well, maybe that is why I am not a TV meteorologist. Well, that and about a million other reasons. Man this has been a long day.

I need a haircut. Later.

ps. spel chek suks


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